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5 reasons why you shouldn’t choose WIX for E-commerce

Wix is probably the least suitable platform to create a website yourself!

If you want to sell products, you need an online presence. It is therefore important to build your own website and create an audience. This gives you independence from platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.

Can I create a free website?

Yes, it is possible to create a website for free with platforms such as Wix or Jimdo. The website builder of Google My Business is also useful for putting a few pages online.

When is Wix a good platform?

In some cases, platforms such as Wix are useful, for example for a local football club. They do not have to invest in a custom-made, professional website to inform their members about activities.

Why is Wix less suitable? What are the advantages of Wix?

  • Wix offers both a website builder and hosting in one.
    – The platform is ‘free’.
    – Your website is sometimes automatically updated.
    – Choice of various templates, which makes it easier to use.
    Limited technical knowledge is required.
  • Disadvantages of Wix:
    While Wix is ​​user-friendly, this does not mean that the platform is perfect for your customers. The SEO friendliness of Wix templates leaves much to be desired and changing a chosen template is complicated.
  • You cannot choose your own hosting provider, 
    Wix is ​​not open source; the CMS is developed by one company.
    The flexibility of Wix websites is limited.

Five important reasons to avoid Wix

  • Poor SEO performance Google does not like Wix. Marketing tools such as Facebook Pixel do not work well on Wix websites, and Wix is ​​also unsuitable for remarketing lists and email campaigns. The loading speed is slow, which is detrimental to your ranking in search engines. In addition, Wix does not support AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), which is essential for fast loading time on mobile devices.
  • Nothing is really free Although Wix profiles itself as free, you earn with essential paid plug-ins and extras. Without these additions, your webshop will not function properly.
  • Difficult to change templates Once you have chosen a template, it is difficult to change it. This limits your flexibility if you change your mind later or want to improve your website.
  • Not mobile-friendly Wix websites are often not responsive, which is problematic for mobile users. Absolute positioning ensures that elements are in a fixed place, which does not work well on different screen sizes. A responsive design, such as with WordPress, is crucial for a good user experience on mobile devices.
  • Negative image for your company A Wix website is often associated with a cheap and easy solution. This can detract from the professional image of your company, which is not beneficial for the image you want to project.

Switching from Wix to WordPress?

An optimized website is essential for converting visitors into customers. WordPress offers more possibilities for a user-friendly and professional website, which is crucial for effective online marketing. Although converting a Wix site to WordPress can be complex, ADD-Design can help you with this. Make an appointment so that we can arrange this for you!