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Brandmanagement - DIGITAL MARKETING - Lead generation
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Digital transformation

In the modern business landscape, establishing a strong digital presence is crucial for success. Real estate development company BE-invest recognized this need and partnered with digital marketing agency ADD-Design to create a new website. This case study delves into how this collaboration led to a significant digital transformation for BE-invest.


BE-invest is a renowned real estate development company with a diverse portfolio of residential and commercial projects. Seeking to enhance its online visibility and better showcase its projects to potential clients and investors, BE-invest decided to revamp its existing website and have chosen us as their trusted partner.

Our challenges

  1. Outdated Online Platform: BE-invest’s existing website was outdated, lacked responsiveness, and failed to effectively communicate the company’s brand identity and project offerings.
  2. Limited Project Showcase: The old website did not adequately showcase BE-invest’s diverse range of real estate projects, hindering their ability to attract potential clients and investors.
  3. User Experience: The user experience on the old website was subpar, resulting in high bounce rates and low engagement.

The solution

To address these challenges and drive BE-invest’s digital transformation, the company partnered with us and we implemented following:

  1. Strategic Planning: ADD-Design began by understanding BE-invest’s goals, target audience, and project portfolio. This information formed the foundation of a comprehensive website development strategy.
  2. Responsive Design: ADD-Design designed a new website with a modern and responsive layout that ensured optimal performance across various devices and screen sizes. This improvement significantly enhanced the user experience.
  3. Project Showcase: The new website prominently featured BE-invest’s diverse projects, providing detailed information, high-quality images, and virtual tours to engage visitors and potential clients.
  4. User-Centric Experience: ADD-Design focused on user-centric design principles, optimizing navigation and ensuring that visitors could easily access the information they were seeking.


The collaboration between BE-invest and ADD-Design yielded remarkable outcomes:

  1. Enhanced Brand Image: The new website’s modern design and user-friendly interface contributed to BE-invest’s improved brand image, positioning the company as a technologically progressive and client-focused real estate developer.
  2. Increased Engagement: The responsive design and user-centric features led to a significant decrease in bounce rates and an increase in the time visitors spent on the website.
  3. Improved Project Visibility: BE-invest’s projects were showcased effectively, providing potential clients and investors with comprehensive information and visuals, ultimately driving interest and inquiries.
  4. Lead Generation: The strategically designed call-to-action elements and inquiry forms on the website contributed to a noticeable increase in lead generation and client inquiries.
  5. Data-Driven Insights: Utilizing analytics tools, ADD-Design provided BE-invest with valuable insights into website performance, user behavior, and conversion rates, enabling continuous improvement.


The collaboration between BE-invest and ADD-Design exemplifies the tangible benefits of embracing digital transformation through a new website. By partnering with a skilled digital marketing agency, BE-invest successfully revamped its online presence, significantly enhancing its brand image, engagement metrics, and lead generation capabilities. This case study underscores the importance of a user-centric approach to website design and the power of collaboration in achieving a successful digital transformation.