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Social Platforms vs. Google

It likely comes as no surprise that younger audiences are far more inclined than older groups to use social platforms for product discovery. However, understanding the specifics of what people search for within social platforms versus what they still turn to Google for can be illuminating for businesses aiming to refine their marketing strategies.

This was the focus of a recent study by Forbes Advisor in collaboration with Talker Research. The study surveyed 2,000 U.S. internet users to gain insights into their evolving discovery behaviors.

Key Findings: Social Platforms Leading Business Discovery

The main takeaway from the Forbes Advisor study is the increasing use of social apps, particularly TikTok and Instagram, by young people for discovering businesses. This aligns with recent trends and even warnings from Google about the potential threat posed by these platforms to its search business.

Generative AI and the Future of Search

With the rise of generative AI, there’s a significant question to consider: How will AI impact this trend? Google has recently integrated ChatGPT-like responses within its search results, providing automated overviews for certain queries. If conversational search becomes a dominant trend, as many expect, this could potentially draw more users back to Google.

Conversely, social platforms are also embracing AI. TikTok is experimenting with its AI chatbot, while Meta has introduced an AI assistant tool across its apps (excluding Threads). These developments suggest that the landscape of discovery could shift dramatically as AI tools become more sophisticated and integrated into user experiences.

What Are People Searching For?

A more intriguing aspect of the Forbes Advisor study is the differentiation in search behavior on social apps versus Google. According to the study, Gen Z users predominantly turn to social apps for trends in fashion, beauty, food, and crafts. These are areas focused on self-care, well-being, and DIY projects. In contrast, they rely on Google for more significant purchases, travel information, and professional services.

Implications for Your Marketing Strategy

Understanding where different audiences search can significantly influence your marketing efforts. If your target audience skews older, Google remains a critical channel. It’s essential to consider the language and keywords that resonate with this demographic to optimize your visibility and engagement.

For brands targeting younger consumers, a robust presence on social platforms like TikTok and Instagram is crucial. Tailoring your content to align with the preferences and behaviors of these users can enhance your reach and effectiveness.


While it might seem evident that younger generations prefer social platforms for certain types of discovery, the nuances revealed by the Forbes Advisor study offer valuable insights. Recognizing the specific search behaviors of different demographics can help businesses refine their marketing strategies and better connect with their target audiences.

As generative AI continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to observe how discovery behaviors shift further. Staying informed and adaptable will be key to leveraging these trends for successful marketing campaigns.